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Holly creates
art to inspire

Welcome to Holly Stone Art,

where Holly shares her images of sacred or spiritual art, including representations of deities, chakras, mandalas, and more derived from traditional spiritual sources and traditions, as well as images of light and energy received intuitively. Through oil and acrylic painting, egg tempera techniques, and pen and ink, she creates glowing, colorful multi-layered paintings intended to uplift and inspire.

Contact Holly if you are interested in purchasing one of her original artworks. Reproductions of Holly’s art are also available for purchase at FineArtAmerica and her Pixels store.

traditional sacred art

Why are we drawn to sacred art?

Sacred or spiritual art takes us beyond the mundane, beyond the limited awareness of here and now, to a sense of something greater and higher than our ordinary view. It expresses the need to reflect on what we hope for, aspire to, believe in.

Why are these paintings unsigned?

As an artist creating sacred images from age-old traditions, and channeling imagery from higher sources, Holly believes the impact of the images is paramount – not the individual who received them. The artist is merely the vessel through which these images came.

It is how these images can inspire and provide beauty and positive impact on peoples’ lives that is the important thing, therefore, these sacred images remain unsigned.

honoring tradition

Honoring Tradition

Having great respect for representations of sacred art from all traditions, Holly follows the symbolism and proportion established over a thousand years ago with both Tibetan Buddhist thangkas and Orthodox Christian icons, to keep her images aligned with the lineage.

soul paintings

A soul painting is a one-of-a-kind piece of art done specifically for the client, which depicts their unique energy field and personal energy expression. This is done from an energy reading of their aura, energy field or light body. Holly connects with her clients energetically and gathers input into a personalized “soul painting” typically done with acrylic or oil paint on stretched canvas.

Interested in a soul painting of your own? Connect with Holly for more information.

custom soul paintings
spiritual energy

Spiritual imagery, auras, chakras

Tuning into auras (the subtle energy fields surrounding the body) and chakras (the seven main energy centers of the body) Holly depicts the glowing colors and shapes of energy and light surrounding living bodies, creating unique shimmering, translucent images using oils, acrylic paint or pastels. She also creates images using traditional imagery, reimagined in her own particular style.

Commissioned art with focus

A painting may be specifically created for you to visually express a particular focus you have in mind: an image for calming, energizing, healing, meditating or some other special purpose. The format could be an abstract image, a mandala (sacred circle), a particular deity of your choosing, a totem animal, or some other personally meaningful image. A soul painting may be created to reflect your personal energy emanations.

Interested in connecting with Holly? Are you drawn to have spiritual or intuitive art created for you?

Holly's Process
Commissioned Art
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