Art by Holly
Paintings designed for you with a specific focus.

You may wish to commission a particular deity (Buddha, Tara, Hindu god, or Christian saint) for your home, altar, or workspace. Mandalas, abstract designs, totem animals or particular colors may also be incorporated.
A painting may be created to reflect an aspect of yourself, or to promote calming, energizing, or healing energies.
Some traditional meanings associated with these Buddhist, Hindu and Christian deities are:
Medicine Buddha is a healing Buddha from the Tibetan tradition, seen as the great healer for physical, mental and emotional ailments.
White Tara represents maternal compassion, long life, and purity.
Green Tara represents enlightened activity and active compassion.
Saraswati is a Hindu goddess, also revered in the Tibetan tradition, representing education, creativity and music. She is said to bring order out of chaos.
Ganesh is is a Hindu god said to be the remover of obstacles, and bringing good energy to any new enterprise.
Vajrasattva is a Tibetan Buddha who vowed to help all sentient being attain enlightenment. He is said to be the ideal guru, and represents purification and protection.

St Anthony in the Christian tradition is the patron saint and finder of lost things.
St Phanourios is known in the Eastern Orthodox tradition as assisting the faithful find lost or hidden physical objects.
There are many additional traditional Christian, Buddhist and other deities/images you may wish to consider.