What is a Custom Soul Painting?
It’s a painting created just for you, from a reading of your energy system, your aura and light body.

Soul paintings are a one of a kind piece of art done specifically for an individual, which depicts their unique energy field and personal energy expression.
To create this energy representation of the client’s field, Holly and the participant agree upon a specific time to collaborate. Typically, the client will relax, read, or meditate at home during this time as Holly tunes into their unique energy expression. If a specific area of interest or concern is expressed by the client, Holly will focus on that during this session.
Images that arise may include representations of their light body field, aura, words or phrases, imagery from other lives, or symbolic imagery that may reflect current issues in the client’s life. Holly then correlates these images into a unique painting. Size, price, and media used for the painting would be decided before the collaboration.
Holly connects with her clients energetically and gathers input into a personalized “soul painting” typically done with acrylic or oil paint on stretched canvas.
Interested in a soul painting of your own? Connect with Holly for more information.

Soul Paintings Gallery
Browse imagery available for purchase at fineartamerica.com and pixels.com