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Steps in Writing an Icon

Icons are said to be written, not painted, as their purpose is to convey information. The Orthodox consider making an icon more a form of prayer than art.

The front of the icon board is specially prepared with multiple layers of gesso; the back and sides of the board are varnished

A traditional image is made to size

The image is oriented and traced on the board, incising lines

The background underpainting for the gold is done in red. The sankir, or special flesh tones, are applied to the skin areas

Basic lines are established

Bigger areas are painted in, shaded areas of the face, the hair and clothing

The dark areas of an icon are painted first. When this is established, several layers of light are applied, gradually building up a luminescence

Further details are painted, and additional light areas to clothing, face, hands and hair

Lastly, gold leaf is applied to the background and selected areas, and any words or symbols added

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